Sofa cleaning at home in Granada Bluclin

Cleaning and disinfection of sofas at home in Granada

Professional cleaning and disinfection service for sofas, mattresses and furniture in Granada. Ecological and hypoallergenic cleaning with 99.9% bacteria elimination.

Request your quote

without obligation

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Purpose: Respond to your queries and requests. Rights: You have the right to access, rectify, oppose and delete your data, as well as the limitation and portability of your data, by directing motivated and accredited communication to info@ Additional information: You can consult this more detailed information and other additional information in our privacy policy.

We use ecological and hypoallergenic products that make a difference. 

The Bluclin products have been developed by German laboratories to provide our cleaning products with a pleasant smell and optimal performance while being consistent with the environment environment and with the planet

99.9% elimination of bacteria

Pleasant smell

100% free of microplastics

100% biodegradable

Child & Pet friendly

100% vegan and sustainable

A first-class service near you

With our cleaning products and disinfection, the colors and textile fibers are kept as they are originally. These processes guarantee the elimination of stains and odors and the disinfection and sanitization of your upholstery

You have the support of a serious and professional company that follows the highest quality standards in the industry and that takes care of every detail to achieve the satisfaction of our customers.

Resultados sorprendentes

We are proud to say that the vast majority of our clients are impressed when they see the results we achieve.

Con industrial machines that we bring to each service, several operators and proven processes that are implemented with strict quality control logwe will have excellent results for all our clients.

Step by step to hire your service

01 Contá ctaus

Contact us through the chat, form or on our phone line and our team will be in charge of preparing your personalized quote without obligation.

02 Schedule your appointment

  • One of our commercial advisors will ask you some questions about the service you need.
  • You choose a time and date when you can receive our cleaning staff.

03 Cleaning

  • Nuestro personal va a tu domicilio con las máquinas, herramientas y productos necesarios.
  • Once the work is done and the final result has been reviewed, you pay us.

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